Thursday, February 21, 2008


Jade Typhoon is the nickname given to the Firefox Text-to-Image extension that allows you to see pics (instead of pic links) inside posts on If you want okayplayer to look like this:

instead of this:

Follow these simple steps:
Step 1. If you are using IE install Firefox (2 or 3) and open the program
Step 2. Follow this link and install the Text-to-Image extension
Step 3. Restart Firefox
Step 4. Click the Red Typhoon in the lower right hand corner of Firefox to make it a Jade Typhoon like so:

Image Hosted by

That's it.

Now back to the boards.

p.s. here's the new jade typhoon tumblr (NSFW)


Chester said...

HapiBlogging to you my friend! Have a nice day!

enotswhat said...

and for the chromites

there is IMG inspector by Omiod